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Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Polemic is a noun that was derived in the 1630s from the Greek polemikos, meaning warlike or belligerent, which was further evolved from the Greek polemos, meaning war. A polemic, however, is essentially a style of argumentation that is used to a) highlight the truths of one hypothesis and the flaws of another or b) make quarrelsome and offensive statements that serve to unnerve, and upset the opposing party in a discussion. Although a polemic and a debate are similar, there is one major difference. Like a debate, the opposing parties in a polemic are constrained to discussing a single topic. In a debate however, the two parties engaged in the argument may share some similar thoughts on the topic, while in a polemic the two parties have polar opposite views on the discussion at hand. Polemicists - or people who talk or write polemically - are known to make very contentious statement which often earn them the ire or many people. In fact, in earlier centuries, when libel laws were still not in place, polemic statements in journals and newspapers were quite common. Although a polemic can be applied anywhere to anything, it's usual application today is limited to controversial topics, such as theology, sciences, and politics.


Wikipedia contributors, "Polemic," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopediahttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polemic (accessed August 20, 2012). 

"Polemic." In Online Etymology Dictionary. N.p.: n.p., 2001-2012. Accessed November 20, 2012.

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