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Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Hallucinate can be related to deception of the mind and a falsification in thought. Humans can be deceived in so many ways and even through the perceptions of one’s own mind one can hallucinate a resultant. Defined as in the Oxford English Dictionary, hallucinate is: to deceive, to be deceived or to produce false impressions or perceptions in the mind. To deceive is a large part of what it means to hallucinate and what hallucinations are. As seen in its root, hallucinate comes from the 16th century word deceive in Latin as alucinatus which developed into hallucinatusTo deceive is to give someone else false information on one’s own part. This may or may not be done purposely. This means that the information may or may not be falsified in the mind of the giver. In either case the receiver of the information will hallucinate in the perception they were given, unless weary of the source.
Hallucinations in the Hallway by Janet Norris
          To be deceived is to be given false information or a false perception on another’s part. Whether the source intentionally led on the deceived or mistakenly led them on is irrelevant. The only protection the potential receiver has against being deceived is to question the information being presented to them and do their research into the subject. Furthermore, not only will one be deceived by a real known human in which you have contact but may be done so from a distance; through a website, program, reading or audio form.
Lastly to self-produce a false impression or perception in the mind is to misunderstand information that is presented to the brain. In this case the giver, who can be an animal, person, place or thing, may hold truth in its existence or statements, however without adequate understanding or attached explanation can produce a false perception. It can be as mindless as a dent in a wall, perhaps giving one a false perception of the events that transpired beforehand, however never lying. A distinction should be made between being deceived and producing a false impression. A false perception is created in the receiver’s mind; the giver has never explicitly lied.
In latin alucinatus or deceive is to cause a belief in a false statement, usually for personal gain (Oxford Dictionary).  A thirteenth century word: deceive sprouts from the twelfth century modern French word decevoir meaning “to deceive”. This is originally from the Latin word decipere which means “to ensnare, take in, beguile, cheat” (Online Etymology Dictionary).
To ensnare, beguile and cheat the mind is to deceive the mind into hallucination. This allows for further analysis into what causes hallucinations and the form that they may come in. To hallucinate may be used to refer to a false perception that has been lead on by a miss-communication of information or faulty information. However it is often associated with head trauma or psychedelic drugs. Much like narcotics, a head trauma can consume the perception and cheat the mind into a false perception by skewing the conscious sensory intake. Sometimes to escape reality is an enticing thought which can beguile people into pursuing hallucinations.

Harper, Douglas. “Online Etymology Dictionary.”
Haper, Douglas. “Online Etymology Dictionary.”
Oxford English Dictionary. “hallucinate, v.”
Oxford Univerity Press. “Oxford dictionaries: The world’s most trusted dictionaries.”
Oxford University Press. “Oxford dictionaries: The world’s most trusted dictionaries.”

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